Energy Saving Tips for the Autumn Season

Jared Barron Odessa
2 min readAug 17, 2021
Jared Barron arrests

As the summer soon comes to an end and the autumn season begins, there are new home projects that need to be done to prepare for the change in weather. With cooler temperatures around the corner, heating the house is one of the biggest energy sources used in the home. With cooler temperatures ahead, rises in energy bills is common. Jared Dale Barron Odessa provides some energy saving tips you can use for the upcoming autumn season. Let’s look at a few of them below.

Seal Your Leaks

Heat from your home can escape and cold air from outside can creep in through any spaces around your doors and windows. “Sealing with caulk or weather stripping before any winter weather arrives can save you up to 10% on your energy bill.”

Let the Sunshine In

Take advantage of the sun heating up your room by opening window shades and curtains on the south side of your house so those rays of sunshine heat up your home. But don’t forget at night it gets cooler again so remember to close the curtains to keep the heat inside.

Check Your Chimney

There’s nothing quite like curling up by the fire with a loved one. Fall is the best time to have your chimney cleaned and vent systems checked, so when the wintertime comes around, you’re ready for that warm crackling fire. When fireplaces are not in use, make sure you close the dampers to keep the warm air in and cold air out.

Prep Your Heating Vents

Make sure the dampers on your heating vents are open and not blocked by anything like furniture or drapes. You want the heat to move freely flowing through your home when the cold weather strolls in. Make sure to vacuum out any dust or pet hair from the registers or the air returns that may have collected stuff throughout the spring and summer to ensure your furnace runs efficiently.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Fall weather can be unpredictable in some states, so purchase a smart thermostat to balance it out. A smart thermostat provides many new benefits and can simplify your life while saving you energy. Smart thermostats can learn your schedule and automatically drop and raise your home’s temperature while you come and go. Your smart thermostat can also be controlled through your smart phone. Coming home early from work? Heading home from the grocery store? Lying in bed and wish it was a bit warmer? If you’ve got your smart phone handy, you have control of your thermostat!



Jared Barron Odessa

Jared Barron of Odessa writes about sustainability in design.